Bringing your pet in for routine pet wellness care supports their overall well-being. Our Ponte Vedra Beach veterinarians offer a range of wellness services to new and existing patients. Support your pet’s health at all stages with regular wellness exams, parasite control, and vaccinations at Sea Oats Animal Hospital.
About Pet Wellness Care
Our Sea Oats Animal Hospital team is dedicated to offering your pet high-quality veterinary care. Our veterinarians are experienced in a range of wellness services and can address any concerns you may have, including when to schedule their annual exams or the best time for your pet to have important vaccinations. Our pet wellness services include:
- Core and non-core vaccinations
- Annual wellness exams
- Parasite prevention
Scheduling a regular exam can help you know the state of your pet’s general health and identify any significant health concerns. Parasite prevention, such as that for fleas and ticks, can keep your pet from developing a serious potential illness. Our vaccinations for puppies, kittens, and adult and senior dogs and cats are essential in maintaining their overall health and are often required for boarding your pet, protecting them from kennel cough, and more.
What to Expect from an Annual Pet Wellness Exam
Our vet assesses the health of your pet and notes any signs of infection, illness, or lacerations. Your pet will be gently touched during this process in areas including the abdomen. This is also an opportunity for your pet to receive essential vaccinations. Depending on the age and needs of your dog or cat, our veterinarian can discuss the need for dietary changes and other wellness services.
How to Keep Your Pet Healthy
Your pet will have different requirements as it grows. Required vaccinations and parasite prevention measures are able to protect your pet during their daily activities, as they may be exposed to different environments, fleas, ticks, and sick animals. Indoor-outdoor pets may have a greater likelihood of being infected with parasites, as well as harmful bacteria and viruses.
Schedule Your Pet Wellness Visit!
Regular pet wellness care can prevent a serious illness down the road. Our veterinarian can provide the necessary guidance to help your pet have a long and healthy life. Call us at 904-640-8844 to make an appointment for a pet wellness service today.
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